Welcome to Naima's Love
Your Trusted Partner in Holistic Doula Care
We’re here to help you thrive
Naima’s Love is committed to nurturing your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being throughout every stage of your pregnancy and beyond. We understand that each pregnancy is unique, and our care is tailored to meet your individual needs and preferences.
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Delivery Stories
Tish and Baby Immanuel
Bonded By Birth!
“Thank you for all your help and your program. I did not know I needed you. I would have been so panicked trying to find the delivery room without you Jamilah, adding to the stress of an already stressful situation. I will never forget that you were there, and the only person available to be with me in the delivery room. You will always be a precious part of Immanuel's and my life.”
Paige Ferugson
“Jamilah’s care and attentiveness made such a difference in this birthing experience. I’m forever grateful for her doula support.”
Mahogany Gordon
One Relieved Mama!
“Thank God for doulas, without this girl I wouldn't have made it through labor. She was there when it was hard and she checked on me after all the excitement died down. Words can never describe how thankful I am for your services.”